How To Keep Your Essentials Dry While Rafting

How To Keep Your Essentials Dry While Rafting

Whether you’re taking on the Colorado River, rafting at one of the National Parks, or staying closer to home, some of the same rules will always apply: you'll need to keep your essentials dry. When you're out on the water, you won't want your enjoyment spoiled by soaked clothing, damaged accessories or spoilt medication. So, we’ve put together some of the most widely available options for keeping your essentials dry next time you venture out rafting.

Zip Lock Bags

Zip lock bags are extremely popular due to their multitude of uses. For many outdoors lovers, zip lock bags are the first choice for safe storage. And it’s easy to understand their popularity. The bags are light weight, readily available and suitable for a wide range of items. Among the items you can pack include:

  • Food
  • Some medications
  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Toiletry essentials
  • And some use the thicker freezer bags for electronic items like phones and iPads, but remember that doesn’t guarantee to protect them.

However, although zip lock bags have many advantages, they’ve ultimately been designed to be disposal. And these days a considerable number of consumers are looking for more sustainable products. If you want some alternatives to the zip lock bag, there's some suggestions in the next few sections.

Reusable Bags

Brands like Bumkins, Wegreenco, Nordic by Nature, QOGIR and Itzy all make reusable, zip up bags. Depending on the brand and type of bags your purchase, you can use them for storing items like food, cosmetics, cash and electronics. The Bumkins range are great for children, and they’re waterproof and easy to keep clean.

Dry Bags

Another option for the water rafter is dry bags. They come in a mix of different styles and sizes, and they are most commonly used for clothing. You can find them in large retail outlets offline, or if you’re shopping online, ecommerce stores like Amazon have plenty available. For the best value, go for dry bags that are heavy duty and durable, and test them for water resistant before putting your essentials in them.

Keeping Medication Dry

For rafters with a medical condition, keeping medication dry will be a major priority. If you’ve not been out on the water before and feel some of the above options might not suffice, you do have other choices. You could place medication into a first aid kit for extra protection from the wet, or try a plastic pill organizer. Other alternatives include prescription medical safes, a medicine storage bag or a medical travel bag.

For specific conditions like diabetes and Asthma, there are a variety of solutions available. For example, for diabetics, there’s insulin cool bags and cases, and for asthmatics, there’s inhaler cases that are perfect for younger children. Whichever method you choose, always follow the instructions for proper storage.

Keeping Your Tent Dry

If you’re camping close to the rafting location, follow these tips to keep the inside of your tent dry.

  • Take off any wet clothing/accessories before going into your tent.
  • Ideally, you should find a safe place for your wet gear and allow it to dry sufficiently before storing it.
  • For every day clothing when you’re away from the raft, choose warm, water resistant materials to resolve the problem of wringing wet clothing.


Water rafters have myriads of destinations to choose from. The Salmon, Deerfield and Rio Grande Rivers are some of the famous locations awaiting the rafter in the U.S. and there’s an almost endless choice of suitable rafting rivers throughout the rest of the world. Whichever destination you’re heading to, make sure you're properly geared up to keep your essentials safe, and then get ready to enjoy the best of what nature has to offer.

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Image: Photo by Julie Thornton on Unsplash