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Best Exercises To Help You Prep For The Great Outdoors

Hiking, cycling, hunting and rafting are great forms of exercise on their own. Over time, these activities can build up your endurance levels, increase strength in your lower limbs and build up core strength. Getting outdoors is also good for the mind, reducing stress levels and anxiety, and getting you away from heavily polluted areas of the city. However, you do need a certain level of conditioning to be fit enough for strenuous activity. So, the next time you’re prepping for the great outdoors, follow these exercises to help you prep for the great outdoors.

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Best Off-Road Buggies To Keep Baby Comfortable While Hiking

For parents with young families, a suitable off-road buggy will be a main part of their active, outdoors lifestyle. And when you choose the right buggy, it will help keep a baby comfortable and happy, while being practical for the parents’ needs too.  All terrain buggies are considered by many to be the best option for the outdoors lovers, who want to share their love of the outdoors with their baby, but which are the best?

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How To Plan For A Day Hike

Every year, millions of us love escaping into the outdoors for a hike, but it’s not something that should be decided on at the spur of the moment. Safe day hiking needs at least some planning. And even if you’re familiar with a trail, you shouldn’t take anything to chance and some level of planning is required. Let’s start with some tips for new hikers. Follow these tips to plan safely for your next day hike.

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Fashion Crimes While Outdoors Can Be Dangerous

Far too many outdoors lovers are putting themselves at risk through a lack of preparation, and this is a growing problem, according to NPR. Among the problems detailed in the article are a lack of food, water and emergency equipment. However, fashion crimes are also featured high on the list, with outdoors lovers often heading out in unsuitable clothing and footwear. Inevitably, this leaves them at risk of exposure, hypothermia or injuries from poor foot wear. Are you planning on heading outdoors? Then avoid the following fashion crimes.

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You Can Avoid These Backcountry Mistakes By Doing This

Most Americans go hiking without being ready for it, according to experts. Inadequate clothing, improper footwear and lack of planning or research are some of the most common backcountry mistakes that hikers make. In addition, failure to notify someone of their plans or pack enough water/food, overpacking, and not checking hiking gear prior to a trip are all up there among the top mistakes.  However, you can avoid many of these problems by applying the following tips.

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